Sunday, June 19, 2011

**Zutto Koko Niiru Yo**

SOULMATE means someone who's spirit, soul and strength that are able to strongly resonate with yours creating an everlasting bond that no one can break...not even death itself.
May 2 at 10:05pm

LOVE is unfair sometimes. It's okay for me to love you more than you love me. I won't mind taking care of you for the rest of your life even if I've to carry you everywhere you want to go. Don't blame yourself for what happened in the past,instead be thankful for every moment that you're going to have with me in the future. I always be here for you...just as I promise..because I love you so much,you're worth it.
May 11 at 3:32am

In LIFE we've to learn to love one another in order to love to learn from each other. I need to have what you know because you have to know what I need. Loving someone is different from liking someone. You're my heart's treasure,hope you treasure my heart too.
May 19 at 2:36pm

(^_^) A loving RELATIONSHIP requires significance,security and identity as the main ingredient and topping with love,loyalty and life over it which makes remarkable long lasting memories together that tastes like sweet honeycomb d^_^b
June 5 at 2:58am

‎(>_<) Everything in life GROWS just like love which I can't control but I can stop worries,stress,sadness,bitterness from growing more in your life with all I have because of how much I treasure you in my heart is beyond the galaxies in the universe d>_<b
June 18 at 1:22am

Even though we are DIFFERENT but the shape of our heart that love one another is the same. The shape of a loving heart shows us how to love. You might be a little lost now, I am here to make sure you are fine. You must find your own heart and believe in the love you feel. Finally when you found it, I will see your cute smile glowing brighter than the stars. Love unconditionally, willingly and sacrificially.
June 19 at 3:35am

Saturday, April 23, 2011


If you heard a joke or story more than once and you feel kind of bored
You should say: "I think I have heard it before and I would not mind listening again." with a clear voice as an indication to the guy to change topic so that you would not make him feel embarrass.
If you are lost with the guy in certain place and you want to help him to solve the problem
You should say: "Take your time to think about the situation and figure out what to do,I will be here for you." before you interfere to provide any solution that you have knowing that since the beginning he will be in trouble the moment he made the wrong decision.
If you are being treated too nice from the guy and you have no interest in him
You should say: "You are such a gentleman being so kind to me but I would prefer to be treated like how you treat every lady you met." with gentleness and respect stating a clear boundary. Doing so will let him know that you just want to be good friend and nothing more.
If you have something important to tell the guy and you need the guy to understand
You should say: "Listen here..listen closely to what I have to say. This is not a normal conversation,you must listen carefully or else you might regret later." looking at him with stern eyes and set a serious atmosphere that you meant business.
If you want to spend time with the guy you admire and you want some exciting activity involved
You should say: "Will you be available later? I thought of asking you to join me on an activity I enjoy which is very thrilling and memorable." with a smile on your face so that he could not reject your offer.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

!!How You Know If He Loves You!!

He will spend  time listening to you in good and bad moments.
He will gives you a smile that says everything is going to be alright.
He will always be there for you in any situation.
He will loves you more than himself.
He will protects everyone that you care for.
He will gives his best to make your heart feel safe at all time.
He will makes you feel that you can be your real self when you are with him.
He will be proud of you and praise you for being in his life to his friends.
He will provide for you and your family like his own family.
He will sacrifice his time,money,effort and even his life for you to live a better tomorrow. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011


1. Touch- Husband always remember that closeness is essential in a marriage. Hold your wife hands frequently as she trust you the most. By being with her is good enough to brighten up her smile. Give her a hug everyday to let her know everything is going to be alright. Always go all out for her to keep her warm outside and on the inside. A kiss a day keeps all nonsense away!

2. Love- Must take notice at details which a husband need to learn. You must love your wife unconditionally and endlessly. Without love, partner will react without respect instead of responding with love. Honoring her will provide you great joy in marriage. You must take note of the little things, that will deposit benefits into the emotional bank.

3. Communication- Listen!!! Husband must, need, should listen to your wife. Always give eye to eye contact to your wife when she is talking to you or you are telling her something or both of you spending quality time together. Pay full attention to her all the time as she just want to lay her head upon your heart.

4. Submission- Wife must trust God, summit and respect your husband. Praise his good work for his achievements showing that in all circumstances you will be there to support and comfort him. Giving him the sense of being needed from you is a great joy to him. Be in-dependent in marriage by being independent on one hand and on other hand you depend on your husband.

5. Effort- Appreciate your husband's effort as a loving wife. Frequently be thankful for what he has done and cherish his time for you. Acknowledge the good things he accomplished and correct the wrong decisions he made with love and respect.

6. Sexuality- Married couple should often make time to fulfill each other's sexual need. Do what is pleasurable to him and he will do the same for you. Make him feel that you care for him and you enjoy being with him. Spend time talking during intimacy will unfold deepest feelings and thoughts and strengthens bond between husband and wife.

--To create a good car is to stick to the same model--

Thursday, March 31, 2011

$$Eternal Investment$$

LOVING a woman is a pleasure because she is the one you will TREASURE.

TREAT women with respect and stop what you EXPECT.

ALWAYS be your real self as she will loves you more than HERSELF.

JUST being simple somehow like a smile with a DIMPLE.

LOYALTY is every man's best POLICY.

BEING consistent will make a woman's heart CERTAIN.

THERE is nothing more to ask but always let her know you are the one she can TRUST.

Monday, March 7, 2011

+++|HeArT of GoLd|+++

@ Everyday what I'm going through makes me feel so blue. Without a clue why am I still missing you. As I put on my shoes reminded me that everything was true. There's only one rule which is cruel. Just like a fool being suck down into a whirlpool. A slew of hurt comes like the morning dew. The fact had drew showing you that flew @ March 1 at 2:02am

...Every man wants to be needed and every woman wants to be cherished. Men must learn to listen and women must learn to understand. There is no point to compete as we are not complete. It takes both prospect to make it perfect... March 21 at 12:11pm

人の心を知ることは何があなたたち両方を離しておくか理解することです March 29 at 6:57pm

++== Love God more by realizing my debts to Him, Love people more by realizing my importance to others, Love animals more by realizing my compassion to them, Love you more by realizing your existence in my life ==++ April 7 at 12:00am

.Every guy should learn to be rejected & every lady should learn to reject. A hand to hold, a lips to kiss, a body to hug, a person to love & a life to cherish is a privilege not a rights. If you've a lover, you must then be a better lover. Every guy shouldn't take advantage & every lady shouldn't be taken advantage. April 20 at 4:22pm

Thursday, February 24, 2011

@^^Be A Good Boyfriend^^@

1. Be honest- In a mature love or relationship, truth allows relationship to breathe, share thoughts with one another and expressing feelings by showing care and transparency.

2. Be respectful- It is exasperating when a partner treats the other inferior in a relationship. Honoring each other will gives better time together.

3. Communicate frequently- Talking helps to understand my partner better. Besides talking, listening too plays very important role in communication. Sometimes listening is the best solution.

4. Make slight physical contact- A light touch to my partner is very much appreciated. Even better give a hug or a light kiss to show that I treasure her a lot.
photo of Cute Kitten hug
5. Surprise gift- Put some thoughts on gifts for special occasion such as birthday, anniversary, festivals and other significant celebrations. Giving what she likes or loves is the best gift. Surprise my partner with an unexpected gift in an unexpected time as a way to her heart.
"It's not about what is the gift but rather it's the heart of the giver" -Valentino Lam-

6. Mix things up- Go new places, try new food, explore new activities, learn new skills, enjoy new culture and know new people. Make time, be adventurous & live life to the fullest.

7. Power of words- Compliment specifically, sincerely and specially will make my partner feel more appreciated. Always keep promises, do it before I say it so that it can fill up the trust and love tanks.

8. Let her be- Give her time and space to do her own things and enjoy herself. This will spice up relationship because she give her all when she's ready.

9. Love myself- Take good care of myself too in order for me to care and cherish her with my best.
    Nasi Lemak, Nyonya Colors @ 1Utama 
10. Be open- Create better understanding with one another. Trust can continue to grow between both of us.
11. Be supportive- In everything she does that is good, I must be there to be her like a sword and shield that she can depend on when time is tough. Through every phase of her life, I am there to protect, provide and pamper her.

12. Be consistent- It is not how good or how much I treat her well but it is how often I be there for her.

Trust + Commitment = Love = Openness + Honesty

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

7H3R3'5 N0 N33D 4 W0RD5 |'''''_'''''|

A tough heart is all I need. My life journey never stop unraveling even obstacles might come my way. With my fists clenched, with my heart burning and my mind fixed. I race to the goal for the light without losing sight. Sometimes it will be a bad day where nothing goes my way. But even the tears blurred the sky, I am sure my smile will come back tomorrow. It is okay, there is nothing out there to fear as I keep believing I am strong. Without you around, there is nothing to worry about. I felt as if the sky was laughing with the sweat and tears I built up. I am sure I will come out from the clouds dazzling. Even if I end up feeling anxious from it all. As long as I have faith I can pull it through, impossible is nothing to me. The rain has taught me valuable lessons to always never give up. Hearing the sound of thunder claps gives me strength and seeing lightning strikes makes me more diligent in the way I live my life... There is more to say but there is no need for words anymore.... The deepest cave and the highest tree... 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Final Touch T_T

Every time as I walk pass her class
With excitement I would look through the glass
Just to admire her natural smile
Even if it is only for a little while
Memories of her is like a song
Always unfailingly inspiring my heart to be strong
Everything around me changes so fast
Promises that have been made never last
Surprisingly without a word, you left
Eventually leaving me behind bereft