Wednesday, February 23, 2011

7H3R3'5 N0 N33D 4 W0RD5 |'''''_'''''|

A tough heart is all I need. My life journey never stop unraveling even obstacles might come my way. With my fists clenched, with my heart burning and my mind fixed. I race to the goal for the light without losing sight. Sometimes it will be a bad day where nothing goes my way. But even the tears blurred the sky, I am sure my smile will come back tomorrow. It is okay, there is nothing out there to fear as I keep believing I am strong. Without you around, there is nothing to worry about. I felt as if the sky was laughing with the sweat and tears I built up. I am sure I will come out from the clouds dazzling. Even if I end up feeling anxious from it all. As long as I have faith I can pull it through, impossible is nothing to me. The rain has taught me valuable lessons to always never give up. Hearing the sound of thunder claps gives me strength and seeing lightning strikes makes me more diligent in the way I live my life... There is more to say but there is no need for words anymore.... The deepest cave and the highest tree... 

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