Friday, January 21, 2022

Caleb Lam Hei Le (ζž—ι»‘δΉ) My Best Buddy

 ☆ Born on August 2010 until 31 January 2020, Friday @ 4:44pm also 7th day of CNY ☆

Caleb was adopted at age of 3 months from the pet adoption program in Summit USJ in November 2010. Caleb was from a Labrador family bloodline mixed with another breed. Caleb had a sister (should have both adopted along). Caleb had a noticeable white fur on his chest like a man with a white tie and a black tuxedo, his intense black fur, which made me and everyone fell in love with him at first sight (one of the many reasons why I brought him home). Caleb had a pair of ears that drop halfway which made him adorable and when he was in playful mode his tongue will drip from one side of his mouth. Caleb had a pair of shiny brown eyes (puppy eyes) from day 1 until last. Caleb's first veterinary doctor was not gentle to him when he got his first fever by inserting the thermometer into his butt. Caleb's first experience of diarrhoea happened because daddy excitedly fed Caleb his first satay.

When Caleb was young, we placed him in a cage in the living room. This was where he learned not to pee and poo in his own living space after the next day he got himself dirty by his own faeces and urine. Caleb was very good at playing fetch and loves playing it with us but lost that interest as he grew older, he got distracted to look for friends also known as puberty. Occasionally Caleb would spend some time with me on the heart to heart talk about girls and other issues being by my side. Caleb loves outdoor, fields & roads, where he can express himself and exert all his energy and imagination. That's why many times he ran out of the house to go for his own expeditions and hang out around the neighbourhood. Caleb is the first dog I saw jumping across drains with enthusiasm like an eagle majestically soaring through the sky. Caleb also loves to go for a ride in the car with us to go places to see the world out there.

Caleb has colourful personality, he was very energetic, caring, understanding, friendly and last but not least manja (indulgent) type of dog. He was able to get along with other dogs and people pretty well although there are several episodes he fought with other dogs and bit a few people unintentionally. Caleb was always keen to look for new friends, particularly female friends. Amazingly Caleb is gentle towards puppies although he accidentally injured Joshua's right eye (now Joshua is healthy without an eye). Caleb was somewhat happy to have Joshua added to the family. On one of daddy's birthdays/father's days, Caleb and Joshua were roped in to make a birthday card wishes for daddy.

Caleb was a brave dog, evidently when he barks and howl like a wolf to chase away postmen, lorries, cats, strangers, somehow non-Chinese people (more towards Indians or foreigners) but there were one thing he was ultimately afraid of - fireworks. Miraculously Caleb will be calm once he was inside of the house in the living room. However now fireworks is a constant reminder of Caleb's goodness and presence in my life.

The Mark of Caleb.

The story to the mark of Caleb, every one of us in the family very often receives the love notes left by Caleb whenever he pounds on us with full of joy seeing us back from work or outstation. Caleb was defensive of his own privacy (only family allowed) but never aggressive in any way. Caleb was never fond of visiting the veterinary clinic yet he obediently went along with the checkups. Caleb was as cool as a cucumber even you removed his wanted food bowl, offered him food or fed him with your hands. Caleb loves primarily cheese, milk, liver, heart followed by wan tan mee, kuey teow teng, rice and et cetera. Caleb is truly a pure Chinese dog.

Caleb had surgery due to a stone in the bladder, sensitive skin and massive hair loss due to my negligence and inexperience. Besides that overall, he was healthy with loads of love and care from daddy, mommy, siblings and friends around. We always gave him good food especially mommy cooking all his favourite food. Seeing Caleb grow from a puppy to a dog, from totally shiny black fur to mix white fur really reminded me of how precious life is and how wonderfully Caleb has been to us as family.

Caleb is our Lam Family's, good dog, great guardian. Caleb protected us, played with us and pleased us with everything he got. To us he is family and everyone loves him dearly. He taught us many things throughout the years of his humble life. He had been a great blessing to us in so many ways - brought love, joy, warmth and tiny challenges to us yet we love him tremendously. Truly indeed he is a gift from God for the past 10 years of his rainbow life. Now he lives on in our hearts and memories every day. I hope Caleb felt all the love from us and know we really miss him a lot from Heaven.

Caleb was admitted to the hospital for 3 days due to old age, 10 years old with kidney failure, low red blood cells and heartworm before he collapsed, resuscitated & passed away. Caleb was tearing up for the past 3 days to let us know how much he going to miss us - the whole family. Remarkably Caleb stayed strong until the end with minimal expression of pain and suffering like he was well at home.

The last red collar he wore - will pass on to Joshua as his successor.
The Last picture - He did not want to look at anyone because he knows he is leaving us (do not want us to be sad) except Denice and I probably because I brought him home to our family.

Caleb 🐢, we love you very very much wholeheartedly and hope to see you again in Heaven when we go back home to the Lord.

As I am writing about Caleb, I kept on crying over and over again thinking about all the good moments with him... I will live on well for him as I do for God and family. From the bottom of my heart, I want to endlessly appreciate and thank my beloved wife, devoted family and caring friends who have contributed so much to love and care for Caleb even more than me. Caleb is spectacularly one and only one unique dog in the whole universe.

Monday, August 8, 2016

::::: Transcends Through Time & Space ::::::

+- Not Everything That Can Be Counted Counts;
Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted -+

... I No Longer Live In Time But In Moment ...

# Turn My Pain Into Greatness # Push My Pain To The Limit Until I Succeed
# Fight For What I Set In Sight # Live Every Moment To The Fullest #

[ You Show Me Your Friends & I Will Show You Your Future ]

♥ Love Is Just A Word Until When Somebody Comes Along To Give It A Meaning & You Are The Meaning ♥

You're WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE & WHY I love because before you I didn't truly understand what I was looking for, now that we've found each other, you've given my past & future a meaning. You're the only one I love...

Thank you very much for saying "YES!" to marrying me~!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

20 Reasons Why I Love Her

1) She is my everything, I need her in my life.
2) She is the first & last person I truly love from the depth of my heart to the sky above. She is my only lover.
3) She is my encourager that always pumps positive vibes in me & motivates me to persevere.
4) She is the best partner I could ask for in a team for any activity I do.
5) She is very lovable & simple that I can love her wholeheartedly & endlessly without feeling inadequate.
6) She loves and cares for me beyond her own desires & needs by giving her best.
7) She is always by my side supporting me through every season of my life.
8) She is my inspiration in life to be fruitful, successful & faithful.
9) She is faith building for me as I observe her rapid strong growth in the Lord.
10) She makes me feel like a man 100% by boosting my confidence yet sustains me in humility.
11) She loves people fervently, honouring our parents, caring for younger ones & understanding friends around her with her gentle heart.
12) She is my guardrail in life because she constantly guiding me to right accurate decision making.
13) She is the only one I can share my deepest thoughts & feelings to.
14) She & I think alike which enable us to talk about anything & overcoming challenges together.
15) She enhances my strengths & diminishes my weaknesses.
16) She is a dreamer sharing the same dreams as I am.
17) She is faithful to her commitments without allowing bad influences to sway her.
18) She is very beautiful & admirable from the inside out as far as I know with nothing less but more than I expected.
19) She is very artistic, in all time thinks creatively & have different edge of perspectives in everything she does.
20) There is only one incomparable her in this world that resonates with the one mysterious me.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

♥* Rendezvous * ♥

There is no time like the present to love, any time after that is a waste

Many men can steal and melt a woman's heart for a moment but only a true lover can safeguard and caramelize a woman's heart for a lifetime

Formidable strong men do not put women down but lift them up

Any man can make a baby but only a father able to love his child like ruby

Make time according to your desire but not make your desire according to time

 ~ Love is Limitless . Love is Selfless . Love is Eternal ~

Monday, February 24, 2014



LVE will wipe off every doubt you've in the unknown future, erase off every feeling you've for other women, destroy off every fear in you've in own inadequacy & vanquish off every pain you've inwardly suffered.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

!!!Work It Out!!!




Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Men's Life

3 Things Men Must Learn
  • Love the person - Say "I love you!"
  • Be proud of the person - Say "I am proud of you!"
  • Be please of the person - Say "You have done well!"


10 Observations Of Men
  1. Men have great dreams to do well in life.
  2. Men's idea of success is often in terms of their achievements.
  3. Men wake up from wealth myth in their 40's when relationships all around them start crumbling apart.
  4. Men do not realize that the ones they will grow old with, the ones who will likely take care of them in their old age, the ones who will be by their side on their death bed, are not their bosses or buddies but their wives.
  5. Men rarely have a wise male mentor they can turn to for holistic guidance and coaching.
  6. Men rarely have other peers that they can walk the journey with, who will not judge them for their failures.
  7. Men's ego prevents them from admitting that they have been wrong and to seek help.
  8. Men suffer from the lack of good father who will guide them and who they can turn to in times of need.
  9. Men do not express how they feel often enough. They merely express what they are thinking.
  10. Men are rarely in touch with their spirituality.

2 Effective Father's Knowledge On Their Children
  • General Knowledge
  • Specific Knowledge - Emotion, Best Friend, Embarrassment, Strengths and Weaknesses
2 Very Important Reasons To Understand
  1. Create Conditions / Environment
  2. Recognizing Danger Signals

Where Is My Reference Point In Life?
  • Avoid being passive or aggressive but most importantly is dependability
  • Difference of being versus doing
2 Major Qualities Of A Strong Father
  1. Have close relationship with God
  2. Have strong relationship with other fathers

6 Must Men Should Have
  • KEEP your promises
  • GUARD your words
  • STANDARDIZE your work schedule
  • PLAN regular family time
  • DEVELOP activities all can enjoy
  • AVOID making up for lost time

2 Secrets Of Men
  1. Protecting - Crisis occur, take leadership role by using our skills and talents
  2. Providing - Steady and consistent financial income. No need to be the sole provider. Be proud of own pay check. Making better career choice
|- No successful career can compensate the failures in home -|