Monday, November 12, 2012

Love Touch

::: Simple doesn't mean there's nothing whereas sophisticated doesn't mean there are many things. Sight without vision is worst than being blind, and facts without truth is worst than telling lies :::

*♥* Every love story reminds me of our closeness, every love song reminds me of our sweetness, every loving couple reminds me of why I believe in our eternal love and every love you gave me reminds me of your worth in every moment, in every way..... *♥*

♥♥♥~A woman is like a wine. As she matures as wine does will eventually taste luscious through time. A man who is able to purchase her heart with a great price will deserve the blessing to enjoy the best of her. Only the appropriate one will have appreciation for her unique refinement. Loving a woman is not your right but it's your privilege~♥♥♥

--- Only marry someone to be your lifetime partner that can not only take good care of you but also own children and both side parents. Marriage is trading your life to make other lives better which requires maturity, commitment, sacrifice and loyalty. One heart to love one person only. No matter a son or daughter, both should have filial obedience ---

Friday, September 7, 2012


Round-brilliant cut blue white diamonds show off reflecting facets Density of love is based on the intimacy of relationship showing the intensity of desire that overwhelmed by the transparency of truth 

2012 July 16

Women do not want a man just for the weekend. Women do not want a man just for a night. All they want is a man to be with them for the whole life. Do you have what it takes to be a man?

2012 August 16

You just need to be a man who can cooks, cleans, charms, cares and cherish a woman for 100 years~

2012 August 21

|=-I am an integer in Christ because I am whole in God and can not be divided by anyone-=|

2012 August 26

!~`God's work done in God's way will produce God's result`~!

2012 August 28

__Only the one that truly love you can see the best of you and make you feel impossible is nothing__

2012 September 6

Thursday, June 21, 2012

\Slight Height/

.I apologize that you are mad at me tonight.
.I am willing to make amendment to set things right.
.Though you ignore me yet my love for you still shining bright.
.This time my mind went off track but in my eyes you are within sight.
.I promise you I would not delay when time is tight.
.All I desire is being with you without a fight.
.Forgiveness from you will make my heart light.
.All the imperfection between us should put to flight.
.Ultimately with all my might I long to be your bright white knight.

Noble Beginning

Love Needs To Be Nurture with The Best Nourishment In Order To 
Flourish Nattily That Takes More Than Just One Night

Truth should be truthful to your lady; should accept the truth about your guy.
Guys dress up cool;
Ladies dress up hot;
Both desire to be the center of attraction and seek true love...

In different relationships, we experience attraction love (epithumia), physical love (eros) and brotherly/sisterly love (phileo) but above all with God's love (agape) to make it all the more stronger.

::Love Abides::

There is nothing to hide when both love collide.
Life shall be more than just a ride with me as your perfect guide.
In every wave of tide I will always be by your side.
The gap between us may be wide but I am not letting your love slide.
You are my greatest pride that affirm my heart you will definitely be my bride.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

``what men SHOULDN'T do``

~See without observing~
-Hear without listening-
~Talk without thinking~
-Learn without applying-
~Desire without responding~
-Hope without praying-
~Promise without doing~
-Confess without repenting-


Loving you to the max,
Melting you like wax.
Understand what you lack,
For you no turning back.
On your heart there is a flag,
Showing my name on the tag.
Our relationship always in check,
Just like romance on the deck.
My heart will remain intact,
As your love continues to attract.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

~~Straight 2 > ♥♥♥~~

I rather be Fool for Christ than Full of Lies.
I may lose my liberty due to circumstances but I still have my freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. This is my valuable possession.
You Must Appreciate Love Before Love Depreciate On You.
The Power of Love Can Saves Someone From the Love of Power.
Do Not Save What Is Left After Spending But Instead Spend What Is Left After Saving.
Every guy in this world hopes to find the right girl. However, they either got a heart broken or a broken heart. Despite of circumstances he must strive to be better not bitter.

##Never Learn##

Many people do not look until you cook...

Many people do not care until you are not there...

Many people do not learn until you starting to burn...

Many people do not solve the issue until you use the tissue...

Many people do not know it is too late until you become the bait...

Many people do not make an effort to listen until you tell a reason...

Many people do not live with much gratitude until you show the right attitude...

Many people do not save what they should have until you give away what is left...